Visit Featuring Wynton Marsalis, "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band, and MS researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Cornet virtuoso Jim Klages was at the height of his career - a soloist for the elite "President's Own" U.S. Marine Band.





Renowned cornet virtuoso Jim Klages was at the height of his career, having achieved his dream as soloist for the elite "President's Own" U.S. Marine Band in Washington D.C.  But when the happily married family man noticed a strange tingling in his arm and nearly dropped his cornet, everything began to change.  The diagnosis: multiple sclerosis.  What followed was a series of hardships that would test even the most indomitable spirit - the end of a career, a marriage stressed to the breaking point, and the loss of his home and financial security.  As Jim's health continued to deteriorate, he was faced with his ultimate challenge: finding his way back to the art that had once sustained him.  Jim persevered, determined to heal himself through composing and teaching.  Through verite and archival footage, interviews, and music recordings, Healed illuminates the ways in which the creative spirit adapts not only to survive, but to thrive.

Featuring Wynton Marsalis, "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band, and research experts from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Southern California. Healed takes viewers into one artist's world of infirmity, hope and determination.